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New rental apartments for Leopoldshafen

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weisenburger projekt announces that the new construction project in Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen was handed over as planned in October. The project comprises a mixed residential and commercial complex with a total of 53 apartments of various sizes, eight terraced houses and a supermarket. weisenburger projekt GmbH acted as the client and project developer, while the construction work was carried out by its sister company weisenburger bau GmbH.

The entire project was sold to a southern German pension fund. The new tenants can expect an attractive residential complex with direct public transport links and shopping facilities on site.

Following turnkey completion, the apartments are now available to the tight rental market. The commercial space has been let by the future portfolio holder to Penny-Markt GmbH and has already been handed over. The store is scheduled to open in mid-November.

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