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Eventful month for the weisenburger recruiting team

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Our colleagues from the recruiting department took part in a total of four career fairs last month to present the weisenburger group of companies as an attractive employer and to attract new talent.

Particularly noteworthy was the participation in the company fair konaktiva, which took place in Darmstadt from 08 to 09 May. The fair attracted a large number of students who took the opportunity to find out about various companies. The VHK career Forum BAU in Frankfurt and the KIT career fair in Karlsruhe also proved to be interesting places for students to go.

The Einstieg Beruf in Karlsruhe was specifically geared towards training opportunities and also attracted many interested students. With around 12.000 visitors, the Einstieg Beruf fair was the largest training fair in the region and we are proud to have been part of this important event.

These fairs provided an excellent opportunity to meet potential applicants in person and give them an insight into the wide range of career opportunities at weisenburger. We were very pleased with the positive feedback and interest in our company.

Interested persons who would like to find out more about weisenburger and the current job vacancies can find out more under the following link:

career at weisenburger


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