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Festive key handover in Speyer

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On Thursday, March 9, 2023, the ceremonial key handover of the multi-family house in Petronia-Steiner-Straße in Speyer took place. With this ceremonial gesture, the building in the district at the seminary was released for use. Christian Rohatyn, Managing Director of the Speyer GSW non-profit settlement agency, was delighted to receive the key to the apartment building from Matthias Ryzlewicz, Managing Director of weisenburger bau GmbH.

“In the area we have created 200 barrier-free housing units for around 600 people. Our aim was to create affordable and at the same time as sustainable living space as possible,” Christian Rohatyn explained the concept of the quarter. In his speech, Matthias Ryzlewicz took his audience with him during the construction period: "I remember the celebrations that we celebrated together, from the ground-breaking ceremony to the laying of the foundation stone and today's key handover."

The Caritas Association, which is setting up a residential and care community with twelve places as well as care advice and an open residential community with five places in this building, was particularly pleased about the completion of the building. "For me, the special thing about the project is that Caritas has the opportunity to try something new," explained Vinzenz du Bellier, chairman of the Caritas association. From May, the senior citizens' flat share is to be set up step by step and looked after by specialists.

The weisenburger group wishes GSW and Caritas a lot of fun moving into and using the new building.

to the press report


Image source: Markus Nitsch / Renata Pajak

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